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Your car needs regular maintenance and occasional repair to keep running smoothly. You need to eat healthy and exercise to keep your body in good shape. But your signs? Do signs really need maintenance?
Most people only think of signs when they need one for their North Country business or event. But if you spend time researching the sign industry, you’ll come to the realization that signage is an incredibly broad category. Just about anything can be a sign. As a result, there are very few universalities among signage. That’s why not all signs need maintenance, but some definitely do.
If, when you’re taking down the banner you use every spring to promote the annual sale at your Plattsburgh Camping and Outdoor Goods store, you accidentally rip the banner, are you going to hire a sign company for maintenance? Of course not, you’re just going to buy a new banner next year. Banners are inexpensive and simple; there’s no need for sign maintenance. But a retractable banner whose stand is malfunctioning? A channel letter sign with a dead bulb? A vehicle wrap that’s starting to peel away? These are all cases when sign maintenance is needed.
Sign maintenance varies from sign to sign. Sometimes it’s as simple as touching up the paint job on something like a monument sign or a door sign. Sometimes an electric sign will have a wiring issue that needs attending to. And sometimes sign maintenance goes beyond just repair. Maybe your Plattsburgh business has rebranded and you want to change the panel on your cabinet sign; that, too, can be considered a form of sign maintenance.
Outdoor signs tend to need more maintenance than indoor signs. North Countryelements can be harsh in Plattsburgh, so external signs need some help to look good. Electric signs and lighted signs tend to need more maintenance, too, simply because there’s more that can go wrong with these signs. However, the sign maintenance in these cases is often as simple as replacing a light fixture. Some signs require more investment than others and for these signs, you need sign maintenance and the occasional repair in order to maximize the return on that investment.
Plattsburgh Creative Signs can perform sign maintenance and sign repairs for clients in Plattsburgh or anywhere nearby in the North Country of New York or Northwest Vermont. We’re happy to perform sign maintenance, to give assessments on signage, and to help businesses with rebrands. To learn more about our services and products, please contact us via our website or call 518-324-SIGN.