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If you manage a business in Northern New York or Vermont that has work vehicles, you have extra expenses. But you also have extra opportunities. Vehicle graphics and window film help you take advantage of those opportunities.
Imagine a cleaning business in Lake Placid, NY. This business has a crew of workers who drive to different houses in Lake Placid, as well as to commercial spaces, and clean. They drive all around Lake Placid as well as into nearby places like Saranac Lake or Gabriels. That’s a lot of driving. Normally, it would merely be time lost to commuting and money lost to gas. But with high quality vehicle graphics, it doesn’t have to be.
Vehicle graphics turn work vehicles into mobile billboards that promote your business wherever you go. Driving down the highway, stuck in traffic, or even parked outside your house, you’re always promoting your business. The graphics can even wrap around the vehicle, covering multiple sides and even windows (though not the windshield, of course). Sometimes vehicle graphics are small enough to fit entirely on a side or back window, and sometimes it’s just lettering. They also make your vehicles more identifiable and more professional. And if this Lake Placid cleaning business has a fleet of vehicles, all the more reason to use graphics to achieve a uniform look.
Vehicle graphics are not expensive when compared to other forms of advertising. But, as with all things, you want to protect your investment. You don’t want gravel roads or high winds chipping and peeling away on your vehicle window graphics. That’s where vehicle window film comes in. Vehicle window film protects the graphics and lettering on your work vehicles’ windows. But it also has another benefit.
Now you might be thinking, “If I have window film on the side or back windows of my Lake Placid work vehicle, won’t this be a driving hazard?”. While you can’t apply window vehicle film to your windshield, you can to other windows because it is designed to work one-way. Pedestrians in Saranac Lake and motorists in Gabriels only see the lettering or graphics you have installed on your vehicle. Inside the vehicle, you can see out adequately. This effect is caused by many tiny perforations in the vehicle window film that change what you see based on perspective.
If you’re in Lake Placid, Gabriels, Saranac Lake, or nearby, and would like to learn more about vehicle window film, please contact us via our website or by calling 518-324-SIGN.