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Sign customization is key to the success of businesses in Plattsburgh and elsewhere in the North Country of New York. You need your business to stand out and custom signs help. Here’s what you need to know about custom outdoor signs.
Custom or not, outdoor signs are not all that different from indoor signs. Most of the principles of design apply to both. However, there are a few considerations you have to keep in mind when it comes to custom outdoor signs.
There are usually two big concerns that you should keep in mind when customizing an outdoor sign as opposed to an indoor one: visibility and durability. Both of these things are important for indoor signs, too, of course, but not in the same way. Indoors, visibility usually means making sure nothing is in the way in between the sign and the intended viewers. Outdoors, this matters too, but so does distance. Custom outdoor signs often need to be large in order to be seen at a distance. For some purposes, channel letters don’t need to be very big, but if you’re trying to advertise your business to people far away, they need to be.
A custom outdoor sign is unlikely to last as long as an indoor sign. We experience four distinct seasons in Plattsburgh, the North Country, and Vermont. Snow, rain, sun, and wind will all batter and wear down a sign over time. That’s why you need a trustworthy local sign studio to design and manufacture your custom outdoor sign. A sign studio that knows what elements an outdoor sign is up against and can manufacture it accordingly.
Installation is another factor that is key to custom outdoor signs. Many indoor signs are fairly easy to install but there is a long list of outdoor signs that need to be installed by professionals.
Because there are no walls and ceilings to limit the size of custom outdoor signs, they can be big. Very big. Indeed, the very purpose of many outdoor signs is to be big. You can have the most durably manufactured and most expertly custom designed outdoor sign, but if you can’t install it in the right place, it will be useless to you. Can you imagine trying to install a monument sign or trying to wire an electric sign all by yourself? Forget about it.
Once again this highlights the importance of giving your business to the right local sign studio. You need to find a sign studio in the North Country that handles installation, as well as custom design and manufacturing. A studio who can do the bulk of their sign manufacturing in their own Plattsburgh-area studio and who contracts out what they must only to responsible and experienced tradespeople. Plattsburgh Creative Signs does all this and more.
Whether you need a custom outdoor sign in Plattsburgh, Lake Placid, Burlington, Vermont, or anywhere nearby, Plattsburgh Creative signs can design, manufacture, and install it for you. To learn more about your custom outdoor sign options or about our process, please get in touch with us today either via our website or by calling us at 518-324-SIGN.