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Dino’s Pizza is a local pizzeria here in Plattsburgh, NY that makes customer service a top priority. Given the current climate with the Coronavirus pandemic, they have had to adapt in a quick manner. During this time, many people are dining at home and taking advantage of food deliveries. For example, Dino’s Pizza is offering takeout and delivery for their customers!
This is when Plattsburgh Creative Signs stepped in. Dino’s Pizza has reached out to our team to create a banner that will advertise their Takeout & Delivery services. Our team had a great time putting this together and we were able to do it in a quick and efficient manner. Thank you Dino’s for reaching out to us!
Connect with us today by going to our Website, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or LinkedIn! Share our pages to one of your friends or even invite them to join our Newsletter to stay up to date with us!
Be sure to check out Dino’s Pizza on Facebook too to take a look at their menu and place an order! For anyone that loves a delicious slice of pizza, we recommend checking them out! Give them a call today at (518)-324-3000!